Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eating Naked!

My friend Cathi and I are eating naked for the next two weeks. Naked means no sugar, dairy, or wheat, and all other foods in their most natural state (not processed). Also, light on starchy fruits and veggies.

Of course, I brought a yogurt for a snack today. I don't even like yogurt all that much, but I try to eat it every so often for the probiotics. Guess I'll take it back home and stick to my nuts and veggies!

I'm going to take a picture every day for 2012. I don't think I'll post daily, so they may all appear in one post per week. This photo is blurry because it's from my phone. I'll resurrect my camera and improve the quality!

My friend Matt at work asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I told him a new car with a bow. He delivered!


  1. We eat like that too every once in a while. Good luck! We call it our "Survivor" diet and only eat things the people on Survivor can eat. haha. I love the bow/car gift; that is funny. Love ya!

  2. Bonnie, I love your new blog design! Very hip and cool and pretty. I'm also really impressed you're doing this diet. You'll do great, I know it. :) You may want to look into The Kind Diet--the Vegan cookbook by Alicia Silverstone. I love it and have found lots of delicious recipes in it (that are vegetable-based or sugar & dairy free). I'm sure many of them would work for you with this diet . . . looking forward to hearing how things go . . . keep us posted! :) Love you and miss you!

  3. sounds like a plan! Love the car and bow, I should have tried that and see what I would have gotten....hahaha
    keep smiling!

