Thursday, September 27, 2012

251.6: Results!

I'm nearly convinced to put in another Medifast order. It's only money, right? Hah! I wonder what it would feel like to do things without worrying about the cash aspect. Sigh...

Last night and today were intense work days. Days that leave me seeking food as a comfort, a motivator, or a reward. I am so pleased to report that I have stayed firm!

It wasn't easy. Last night I chose to go for a drive and see the lovely Utah mountains with the leaves changing colors and the smell of autumn so pungent I could nearly taste it. My friend Rosann and her dog Salsa joined me in what I like to call a "quest to find fall foliage." Even though my phone camera isn't the best, I had to share!

Check back tomorrow--I know I'll be down another pound. Maybe more!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

252.6: Time to Renew!

Happy Fall! I love, love, love this time of year. Fall has always been, for me, a time of renewal and review. Time to start again.

So, I've contacted my Medifast coach. Here's what I said:

Hi Mary,

I’m going to contact you for the next three days as I strive one more time to reach a fat-burning state. For the past 5 weeks I’ve just lingered on the edge of the program. I can string together two days, then I give in to the carb temptation—either with salty things like mashed potatoes, fries, chips or sweet stuff like chocolate. I’ve been travelling and such, but that’s over for a while.

I really like Medifast, but I’m going to discontinue if I can’t get myself going again. I feel like I’m throwing away money if I can’t get myself to stay on program.

Here’s what I’m going to do daily:

1) Eat every 2.5 hours

2) Track food in Support in Motion

3) Do at least 30 minutes of work in the workbook

I’ll check back in tomorrow.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

249.8: Super Yay!

Happy dance, happy dance, and more happy dance!

The scale went as high as 257 last week at Founder's. I'm so glad to have put that behind me! I truly didn't just eat with abandon, but the combination of a very tired Bonnie and easily available candy was pretty compelling. And I had french fries several times. I did keep my water intake up and rarely had caffeine. That's a big ol' victory.

I leave for Chattanooga tomorrow. I know I can keep to the Medifast program while I'm there--it's a quick trip and I'm nearly to my 'zen' fat-burning state again. I'm currently battling the third day of de-carbing and it's a killer. Seeing that scale victory is amazingly reviving, so I can stick with it.

Okay, gotta get to work! No, really, I have a meeting to go to...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

254.6: Miracle or Coincidence

Yesterday's food report: I ate too much and the wrong stuff, but I'm not going to beat myself up. 'Nuff said.

I want to blog while the day is fresh, so no pictures yet (technical difficulties).

I had a great, short conversation with Robin Merriman. She commented that I am way too hard on myself which was a great reminder that I need to practice positive self talk. I was taught to do that in therapy a few years ago, but I've slipped lately. Robin subscribes to a daily meditation and hers for the day was about not trashing ourselves. Miracle or coincidence?

Then I saw Jackie Bolhuis who has lost 60 pounds--the last 30 of which have been on the Medifast program! She was so inspiring to talk to. She's very diligent and in fat burning and reminded me that this is easy. Very easy. Just do it. Miracle or coincidence?

You decide...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

253.6: On the job eating

I'm working away from home this week in sunny St. George, Utah. It's a beautiful place and I love my job. This annual trip does pose some healthy eating obstacles--like I hang out most of the day in a converted hotel ballroom surrounded by jars of candy. Luckily sugar isn't my biggest weakness!

Here's my plan for the day:
8:00: Medifast Meal #1
10:00: Medifast Meal #2
1:00: Medifast Meal #3 and a portabella pressed sandwich (1/3 lean and green)
3:30: Medifast Meal #4
7:00: Lean and green dinner
10:00: Medifast Meal #5

I'm gonna write what I bite, scribble what I nibble and ink what I drink! I'll take a picture of my food journal at the end of the day. Also, I commit to taking a photo of any non-program food I eat. That will help me stay on track! 

I brought my scale with me, so I'll post my daily ups and (hopefully) downs.

Oh, it's also a special hormonal time this week, so how about I add that to my challenge list?

Thursday, September 6, 2012

252: The Battle of the Bulge Continues

Hi! I've delayed posting because I kept hoping for a lower number on the scale. Now that's just nonsense. This blog is about the journey, not the destination. I am on a very windy trail with switchbacks, not a one way road. I get so black and white about progress that I lose track of that sometimes.

I'm tired of Medifast. Or maybe I'm just tired of constantly fighting my addiction to food. It's exhausting sometimes. So much easier to just give in, eat what I want and not feel guilty about it.

The problem is, I would pay for it. Not just with additional pounds, but with an intense disappointment in myself.

I know I can do this. Maybe Medifast got me started and I am ready for a different approach now. Regardless of my choice of armour, I will continue to battle the obesity giant!