Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bump in the Medifast Road

I weigh every day. Thursday I had lost six more pounds (for a total of 16)--yay for Week 2 on Medifast! It was certainly easier than Week 1. It seems like I'm getting into a rhythm that I can sustain. I really wondered those first few days how I could keep myself motivated.

Losing weight is motivating. 

Today I gained two pounds. I weigh myself every day, so I'm very aware that weight can fluctuate for various and sundry reasons. I know my patterns and this gain fits my patterns. Still, my first reaction is to say, "Really? If I'm gonna gain 2 pounds, I wanna enjoy the journey to that gain. Where's the chocolate? Where are the sweet potato fries? I gained two pounds eating Medifast and Lean & Green?"

Gaining weight is enervating.


  1. Bonnie you are amazing! Despite the fact that you have gained two pounds, think of all that you have lost. It's just awesome! SOOO proud of you!

  2. Ugh! Bad two pounds! Bad! I'm sure I would've thought the same thing had I stepped on the scale to see those two pounds returned:

    Why couldn't I have gained two pounds from eating something decadent?? Or savory?? Or buttery?? Lame!

    But, I'm sure those two pounds will be long gone in a few days or so. Give them some time . . . they'll be sorry they ever came back. ;)

    Love you, Bonnie-Bonnie! And Bonnie-Cate, too. She's saying, "Up!" "Ba!" "Da!" "Elmo!" just for you. :)
