Wednesday, September 26, 2012

252.6: Time to Renew!

Happy Fall! I love, love, love this time of year. Fall has always been, for me, a time of renewal and review. Time to start again.

So, I've contacted my Medifast coach. Here's what I said:

Hi Mary,

I’m going to contact you for the next three days as I strive one more time to reach a fat-burning state. For the past 5 weeks I’ve just lingered on the edge of the program. I can string together two days, then I give in to the carb temptation—either with salty things like mashed potatoes, fries, chips or sweet stuff like chocolate. I’ve been travelling and such, but that’s over for a while.

I really like Medifast, but I’m going to discontinue if I can’t get myself going again. I feel like I’m throwing away money if I can’t get myself to stay on program.

Here’s what I’m going to do daily:

1) Eat every 2.5 hours

2) Track food in Support in Motion

3) Do at least 30 minutes of work in the workbook

I’ll check back in tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. oh my, I hope you find what works for you soon.
    I'm starting a 6 week class at the hospital called Better Choices, Better Health. Lets hope that there are some answers for me and that I can share with you.
    Keep at it my friend, it's something we will have to battle for the rest of our lives. Wish not, but it's true....

    Hugs to you!

